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dc.contributor.authorInstituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)es
dc.contributor.authorCentro de Gestión del Conocimiento y Cooperación Horizontal (CGCCH)es
dc.description.abstractA compilation of successful projects developed with the interest of sustainable development goals is presented. In the materials, the problems of the region or country are recognized and finally the implementation of the project is proposed, together with its identified
dc.relation.haspartEnhancing value-added opportunities of small-scale cacao producers in Perú and Dominican Republic. Fair and Sustainable cocoa tradees
dc.relation.haspartStrengthening of the Brazilian Agricultural Protection System. Developmente of the Agricultural Managemente Platform (PGA)
dc.relation.haspartCentral American Program for Integrated Coffee Rust Management (PROGAGICA). Climante change mitigation and adaptation measures and natural disaster risk reduction
dc.relation.haspartSystematization of experiences in natural resource conservation and payment for ecosystem services at the Santa Isabel Micro-basin in Namasigue, Choluteca, Honduras. Guaranteeing the water supply for domestic use by the communities in the area of influence
dc.relation.haspartStrengthening of the phytosanitary and zoosanitary regulation and control agency (AGROCALIDAD) and its national food safety system, based on the experience and management model of the chilean food safety and quality agency (ACHIPIA). Capacity building in AGROCALIDAD to bolster Ecuador’s food safety and quality system
dc.relation.haspartMOSCAMED Program. Maintenance of Mexico’s phytosanitary status as a Mediterranean fruit fly-free country
dc.relation.haspartNutrition smart agriculture in Haiti. Development of the Nutrition Smart Agriculture Country Profile in Haiti
dc.relation.haspartPro-Huetar Program Haiti. Contributing to a healthy diet and environmental protection through training for the implementation of agroecological practices in family, school and community gardens and farms
dc.relation.haspartSouth American Locust Regional Management Plan. Strengthening implementation of the South American Locust Regional Management Plan to reduce the economic, social and environmental impacts of the plague in Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay
dc.relation.haspartThe system of rice intensification (SRI). Contributing to food security, competitiveness, and resilience by adapting SRI to local contexts.
dc.subjectObjetivos de Desarrollo Sosteniblees
dc.subjectSustainable Development Goalses
dc.subjectPlanes de desarrolloes
dc.subjectdevelopment planses
dc.subjectProyectos de desarrolloes
dc.subjectdevelopment projectses
dc.subjectDirección de proyectoses
dc.subjectproject managementes
dc.subjectDiseño de proyectoses
dc.subjectproject designes
dc.subjectCooperación internacionales
dc.subjectinternational cooperationes
dc.subjectActividades cooperativases
dc.subjectcooperative activitieses
dc.subjectAsistencia técnicaes
dc.subjecttechnical aides
dc.subjectBanco de Buenas Prácticas
dc.subjectBest Practices Bank
dc.subject.otherSede Centrales
dc.titleBest Practices Bank. Successful experiences in horizontal cooperationes
dc.title.alternativeBanco de buenas prácticas. Experiencias exitosas en cooperación horizontal

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