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dc.contributor.authorInstituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)
dc.contributor.authorThe Green Climate Fund (GCF)
dc.contributor.authorGCF CARICOM AgReady
dc.contributor.authorPrograma de Acción Climática y Sostenibilidad Agropecuaria (PACSA)
dc.contributor.editorGregoire Carai, Nekelia
dc.contributor.editorSt. Martin, Chaney
dc.descriptionPresenter: Dr. Chaney St. Martin, Internacional Specialist. Water and Soil Management. Two presentations are
dc.description.abstractDr. Chaney St. Martin, International Specialist in Soil and Water Management with IICA's Agricultural Climate Action and Sustainability Program explains the vision of transforming towards a mote climate responsive regional agriculture in the Caribbean through 1. Take Note that Global temperatures- human-induced climate change, already increased by 1° C, threatening reliability of agriculture as a development pillar; 2. Take Into Account that With the 1°C increase the Caribbean is already incurring considerable costs to adapt to climate impacts, which often exceed their financial capacity and 3. Take Regional Action by building an evidence-based agriculture sector that can be sustainably financed to build food, nutrition, and livelihood security along a low-carbon/resilient developmental paradigm. Dr. St. Martin goes on to highlight one of the actions that IICA has taken through the implementation of an agriculture readiness project titled “Strengthening the foundation for a climate responsive agricultural sector in the Caribbean” which was funded by the GCF and implemented in nine (9) CARICOM countries (Bahamas, Belize, Dominica, Haiti, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Suriname, and Trinidad & Tobago).es
dc.description.sponsorshipCaribbean Climate Responsive Agriculture Forum (CCRAF)
dc.format.extent1 hora 06 minutos y 32 segundoses
dc.relation.ispartofNational Action plan for Agriculture GHG Inventory Improvementes
dc.subjectEmisiones de gases de efecto invernadero||greenhouse gas emissions||émissions de gaz à effet de serrees
dc.subjectreducción de emisiones||emission reduction||réduction des émissionses
dc.subjectmitigación del cambio climático||climate change mitigation||atténuation des effets du changement climatiquees
dc.subjectEvaluación del impacto ambiental||environmental impact assessment||avaliação do impacte ambiental||évaluation de l'impact sures
dc.subjectCambio climático||climate change||mudança de clima||changement climatiquees
dc.subjectProgramas de Cooperación Técnica
dc.subject.otherRepresentación Dominicaes
dc.subject.otherRepresentación Trinidad y Tobago
dc.titleWebinar 4. Addressing climate change in agriculture possibilities for the futurees
dc.subject.sdgODS 12 - Producción y consumo responsables
dc.subject.sdgODS 13 - Acción por el clima
dc.subject.sdgODS 16 - Paz, justicia e instituciones sólidas

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