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dc.contributor.authorExecutive Committee (EC)en
dc.coverage.spatialSan Jose, Costa Ricaen
dc.descriptionOctober 2-3, 2002en
dc.relation.haspart(WD-401) Provisional Agendaen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-402) Provisional Scheduleen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-403) Report of the Director General on Compliance with Resolution No. 361 of the IABAen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-404) Director General´s Report to the Executive Committee on the Summits of the Americas Process with Respect to Agriculture and Rural Life and IICA´s Role as a Partner Institution in the Processen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-405) Medium Term Plan 2002-2006 Focused on People and Committed to the Futureen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-406) Progress in Implementing the New Structure of the General Directorate and in Reaching Agreement on the National and Regional Technical Cooperation Agendasen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-407) Evaluation of IICA's Agricultural Health and Food Safety Program: The Multiple Roles of Agricultural Health and Food Safety: Bases for Evaluation and for the Orientation of IICA´s Actionen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-408) Inter-American Program for the Promotion of Agricultural Trade and Agribusinessen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-411) Independent Auditors´Report to the IABAen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-412) Eight Annual Report of the Audit Review Committee of the IICAen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-413) Proposal for Establishing the Status of IICA Associate Experten
dc.relation.haspart(WD-415) Nominations for Conferral of Emeritus Statusen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-416) Report on the Status of the Resolutions of the Eleventh Regular Meeting of the IABAen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-417) Status of the Resolutions of the Twenty-first Regular Meeting of the Executive Committeeen
dc.relation.haspart(WD-419) Meetings between High-level IICA and FAO Authorities in 2002en
dc.relation.haspart(WD-420) Date and Site of the Twenty-third Regular Meeting of the Executive Committeeen
dc.relation.haspart374 - Eighth Report of the Audit Review Committeeen
dc.relation.haspart362 - IICA’s Institutional Transformation Processen
dc.relation.haspart363 - IICA s 60th Anniversaryen
dc.relation.haspart364 - 2002 2006 Medium Term Planen
dc.relation.haspart365 - Special Advisory Commission on Management Issues 2002en
dc.relation.haspart366 - Inter-American Program For The Promotion of Agricultural Trade, Aribusiness and Food Safetyen
dc.relation.haspart367 - Implementation of resolution IICA/JIA/res. 382 (XI-o/01) overall assessment of IICA’s agricultural health and food safety programen
dc.relation.haspart368 - Promotion of the condition of IICA associate status among Permanent o Observers, non-member countries and international organizationsen
dc.relation.haspart369 - Establishment of Associate Expert Statusen
dc.relation.haspart370 - Progress Made in Joint IICA/FAO Effortsen
dc.relation.haspart371 - 2001 Annual Report of IICAen
dc.relation.haspart372 - Distribution of the Resources of the 2003 Program Budgeten
dc.relation.haspart373 - Financial statements of the Institute for 2001 and report of the External Auditorsen
dc.relation.haspart375 - Proposal for the Collection of Oustanding Quota Payments to the Instituteen
dc.relation.haspart376 - Amendments to the Regulations Governing the Inter-American Awards in the Rural Sectoren
dc.relation.haspart377 - Emeritus Statusen
dc.relation.haspart378 - Official Languages at the Executive Committeeen
dc.relation.haspart379 - Deadline for Delivering Documents for Meetings of the Executive Committeeen
dc.relation.haspart380 - Appointment of the Representative of the IABA to the Board of Directors and to the Governing Council of the Tropical Agriculture Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE)en
dc.relation.haspart381 - Report on the status of the resolutions of the Eleventh Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Board of Agricultureen
dc.relation.haspart382 - Report on the Status of the Resolutions of the TwentyFirst Regular Meeting of the ECen
dc.relation.haspart383 - Date and Site of the Twenty Third Regular Meetingen
dc.subject.otherSede Centrales
dc.titleXXII Regular Meeting of the Executive Committeeen

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