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dc.contributor.authorInstituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)
dc.coverage.spatialPort-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
dc.description.abstractThe Office of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) presented a research and information package to the Ministry of Agriculture Lands and Marine Resources (MALMR) of Trinidad & Tobago, which would seek to advance the development of the agriculture sector. The package included reports on the status and outlook of agriculture and rural life in Trinidad & Tobago, a review of the Agricultural Incentive Programme, and a report to determine the impact of agricultural and macroeconomic policies. The IICA also provided logistical support for the establishment of a Monitoring and Evaluation Agricultural Information System, and organized workshops to optimize the benefits of research and development for the enhancement of agribusiness in the Caribbean. The IICA provided support to the administrative operations of the Caribbean Herbal Business Association Secretariat and delivered a series of project management workshops, training agricultural and extension officers. The Office also collaborated with various agencies to organize and host the First Caribbean Agri-Food Trade Convention and continued to promote agro-tourism linkages. The Agricultural Health and Food Safety programme continued to provide training in topical areas of interest to the development of AHFS in the region.
dc.format.extent22 pages
dc.publisherInstituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA)
dc.subjectDesarrollo rural||rural development||desenvolvimento rural||développement rural
dc.subjectCooperación internacional||international cooperation||cooperação internacional||coopération internationale
dc.subjectSeguridad alimentaria||food security||segurança alimentar||sécurité alimentaire
dc.subjectDesarrollo sostenible||sustainable development||desenvolvimento sustentável||développement durable
dc.subjectComunidades rurales||rural communities||comunidade rural||communauté rurale
dc.subjectTrinidad y Tobago||Trinidad and Tobago||Trinidad e Tobago||Trinité-et-Tobago
dc.subjectInforme anual país 2006
dc.subjectCooperación técnica
dc.subject.otherRepresentación Trinidad y Tobagoes
dc.titleTrinidad and Tobago. Annual report 2006es

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