Browsing by Keyword "4864-00"
Now showing items 1-20 of 96
Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for Soil and Water Management
(Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), 21-08-2024) -
Optimizing Fertilizer Use Efficiency for Crop Production
(Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), 17-07-2024)Dr. Gaius Eudoxie, is a Senior Lecturer in Soil Science at the University of the West Indies. He will be sharing practical insights on optimizing fertilizer use efficiency in crop production, covering topics such as the ... -
La sequía en la agricultura: recursos digitales disponibles para diagnosticar su ocurrencia y reducir sus impactos en América Latina y el Caribe.
(Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), 2024)La sequía, que desde tiempos inmemoriales ha formado parte de la experiencia humana, ha tenido un impacto considerable en el entorno y las actividades del hombre. En particular, el de producción de alimentos, fibras y ... -
Carbon Market Opportunities in livestock production, and cocoa and coffee agroforestry systems. An analysis of opportunities in Latin America and the Caribbean
(12-2023)It provide an overview of the VCM opportunities in the agriculture sector, specifically in sustainable livestock and agroforestry practices, in LAC to the governments of countries in the region that are or are likely to ... -
Gestions des Risques - Solution Face Aux Pénuries D'Approvisionnement
(Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), 04-10-2023)M. Dominique Zami, Directeur de PTL AGRO Guadeloupe partage ses expériences en matière de réponse aux défis économiques et sociétaux liés à l’alimentation à travers une gamme de produits alimentaires et alimentaires ... -
Risk Management Solutions for Supply Shortages
(Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), 04-10-2023)Mr. Dominique Zami, Manager of PTL AGRO Guadeloupe shares his experiences in working towards meeting food-related economic and societal challenges through a range of food and processed food products. Mr. Zami discusses how ... -
Approches Naturelles de la Protection des Cultures et de la Conservation des Sols
(Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), 13-09-2023)M. Nelson Laville, phytopathologiste chez Phyto-Sol Plus Inc. Dominique, présente quelques approches simples, pratiques et naturelles à effet de coût pour protéger les cultures et la production agricole. M. Laville se ... -
Natural Approaches to Crop Protection and Soil Conservation
(Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), 13-09-2023)Mr. Nelson Laville, Plant Pathologist at Phyto-Sol Plus Inc. Dominica, presents some simple, practical, and cost-effective natural approaches to crop protection in agriculture production. Mr. Laville delves into plant ... -
Oportunidades para el sector agropecuario y el carbono azul en América Latina y el Caribe en los mercados voluntarios de carbono
(Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), 09-2023)The agricultural sector in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) holds great potential to attract private investment for climate action and resilience through the voluntary carbon market (VCM). These investments can ... -
Application of Drone Technology in Agriculture and Technologies & Strategies for Beekeepers to Adapt to Climate Change
(Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), 12-07-2023)The use of drones have already significantly changed the agricultural sector and will increase over the next few years. Even if drone use is growing more beneficial for small farmers, there is still a long way to go before ... -
Webinar 3. Technology Adaptation
(07-07-2023)To share about market barriers to the transformation of Caribbean agriculture to climate resilient production systems. Trade off analysis, measuring the impact of climate change and adaptation assessment on Caribbean ... -
Webinar 4. Addressing climate change in agriculture possibilities for the future
(07-07-2023)Dr. Chaney St. Martin, International Specialist in Soil and Water Management with IICA's Agricultural Climate Action and Sustainability Program explains the vision of transforming towards a mote climate responsive regional ... -
Webinar 2. National Agriculture Green House Gas (GHG) data collection in the Caribbean. Lessons Learned
(04-07-2023)Dr. Luanne Stevens, Fellow at the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute (GHGMI), explaind what a GHG inventory is and why it is important, the importance of data, what are the agriculture emissions and how important are they, ... -
Children, Youth & Women Organizations in Agriculture Climate Action & Sustainability
(Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), 14-06-2023)Mr. Keithlin Caroo, Executive Director at Helen's Daughters and IICA Goodwill Ambassador for Sustainable Development shares the experiences of Helen's Daughters, which is a non-profit organisation based in St. Lucia and ... -
Caribbean Specific Agriculture App to Help Farmers Adapt to Climate Change
(Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), 17-05-2023)Mr. Richard Rampersaud, Agribusiness Specialist at IICA Delegation in Trinidad & Tobago presents the FARMVUE App which digitally records and easily monitors all aspects of a farm. Mr. Rampersaud explains the reason why the ... -
Webinar 1. The Vision Of Agriculture as a part of the climate solution in the Caribbean region
(16-03-2023)The Climate Responsive Agriculture Forum 2023 is an event aimed at discussing the vital role that agriculture plays in mitigating climate change in the Caribbean region, the virtual conference featured engaging discussions ... -
Making Climate Action Self-Financing Through Viable EbA/NbS Livelihood & Green Business
(Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), 2023)The session sought to reiterate that changing practices towards a ‘for the planet’ focus must also ensure that a ‘for the people’ benefits are engendered, if actions are to be sustained and mainstreamed beyond awareness ... -
Agriman Agventures. Secrets of the soil: Ag-tivities
(W.H.Y. Farm, 2023)Two support tools are presented for addressing awareness topics related to preserving natural resources. Each of the materials is directed respectively at children aged 4 to 7 and 8 to 12. -
Programa de Acción Climática y Sostenibilidad Agropecuaria
(Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), 2023)Este programa busca impulsar soluciones integradas, basadas en principios que respondan a las prioridades de los Estados Miembros del IICA; su objetivo es lograr un sector agropecuario sostenible, resistente al clima y ... -
Agriman Agventures. A slippery slope
(WHYFARM, 2023)Up in the hills a construction project is causing excitement building new homes is the assignment! Even though their intention was good reckless actions spell trouble... Especially for the lower-lying neighbourhood!