Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Final consultancy report 2013: dessimination of information on two innovation technology projects implemented in the Toledo district and the formation of a national functional network in Belize
(Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), 2013)
The consultancy service officially started on the 29th of January 2013, where by a field visit to the village of Jalacte was done with the purpose of up-dating myself of the situation of the second phase of Red-sicta project ...
Participatory evaluation on the introduction of leguminous cover crops in slash and mulch systems for sustainable corn production in the Toledo district, Belize
(IICA, 2013)
This document is a final report that contains information about the project: Participatory evaluation on the introduction of leguminous cover crops in slash and mulch systems for sustainable corn production in the Toledo ...
Informe técnico final del proyecto: RS-1N-2012-04, Promoción de tecnologías para la reducción de pérdidas postcosecha en frijol: pre secado en campo con plástico negro y trillado mecanizado
(Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), 2013)
El proyecto tiene como objetivo contribuir a la reducción de las pérdidas y la mejora en la calidad del grano de frijol de productores de Nicaragua en los departamentos de Boaco, Chontales, la RAAS, Rio San Juan, Jinotega, ...
Technology Innovation Project. Participatory evaluation on the introduction of leguminous cover crops in slash and mulch systems for sustainable corn production in the Toledo District, Belize
(Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), 2013)
This document contains information about the project Participatory Evaluation of the Use of Leguminous Cover Crops in Slash and Mulch Systems for Sustainable Corn Production in the Toledo District, Belize, which have the ...
Gestión de derechos de los bienes protegibles mediante redes regionales, PROCI y FONTAGRO el caso de los denominados bienes públicos
(Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), 2009)
Como resultado de la investigación cooperativa se producen nuevos productos intermedios o finales, innovaciones o procesos factibles de ser apropiados o protegidos por las instituciones participantes públicas y privadas. ...
Early harvesting of corn
This document is a Handbook what it contains information about the early harvesting of corn, explains what is early harvesting, also, explains drying of grains using drying cribs. Additionally, contains information about ...
Technology Innovation Project. Establishment of farmer field school for the Introduction of alley cropping systems to improve soil management and productivity of crops in the Toledo district of Belize
(Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), 2013)
This document contains information about the project Establishment of farmer field school for the Introduction of alley cropping systems to improve soil management and productivity of crops in the Toledo district of Belize ...